Color Analysis: Learn How to Determine Your Perfect Colors

Color Analysis Guide

Have you ever noticed how certain colors tend to light up your face, while others seem to make you look dull and tired? Wouldn’t it be nice to know which colors look best on you, and which ones to avoid? Well a simple Color Analysis quiz can help you figure out just that! By limiting your wardrobe color choices to colors that best compliment you, you will find it easier to coordinate clothing and accessories, and in turn save both time and money.

What is “Color Analysis”?.

Color Analysis, also called “Skin Tone Color Matching” or “Color Seasons”, is the process of determining the colors that best suit an individuals natural coloring. There are several ways of analyzing personal coloring. The most well-known is “seasonal” color analysis, which places individual coloring into four general categories: Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn.

According to a British study, there is evidence that suggests that the colors worn by a person can affect how they are perceived by others. For example: red and pink are thought to signal sexual attractiveness, particularly when worn by women, while dark colors like black or navy may convey the impression of authority – in turn making the wearer seem less approachable. The theories of color analysis also teach that certain colors are capable of emphasizing or, conversely, de-emphasizing an individuals attractiveness to others. Unflattering colors may make a person look pale, for instance, or draw attention to such “flaws” as wrinkles or uneven skin tone. Flattering colors are thought to have the opposite effect.

To determine which “Season” you fall into checkout the complete Color Analysis Guide on, take the quiz and view your celebrity match!

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